Testimony Time: How I Came To Christ

Hello there Chosen, so happy to have you with me. I wonder if you’re thinking to yourself why I hadn’t written about this before. If I were you, I’d be thinking that exact thing. Actually, I asked myself why I didn’t. The idea to write my testimony only came to me about a week ago and I was excited about it but somehow didn’t quite get to it until now. However, I trust that it has happened in God’s perfect timing. It took me quite a while to get here. And though I’m not quite a finished product, I’ve been through many iterations. Nonetheless, I can confidently say I am where God wants me to be at this point in my life. I can’t quite cover everything in this article since it has been literally every moment in my life that has culminated and led me to the present but I hope I cover a number of the significant areas. As a child, I grew up with the knowledge of God, as with most children in Jamaica, thankfully. However, my parents weren’t, and still aren’t Christians. They in...