How Should We Pray?

Hello Chosen! Thanks for joining me again. We have spoken about the importance of prayer before in a Christian’s life, but how should we pray? I believe something so important should be done in a way that pleases God and affords us the maximum benefits. I’m not saying prayers should be monotonous but approaching prayer with structure, does help. How often do we go to pray, and we don’t know what to say? Or we hear someone else praying and we wonder how did they think of all those things to say? Well, that used to happen to me a lot and still does happen at times. What we’ll discuss won’t be a rigid formula for prayer but simply a guide. After all, prayer is a conversation with God; but the most important conversation we can ever have. The information I’ll share is not new information as with anything discussed on this blog but just a topic I find worthwhile to bring to our forethoughts. (Source: In Luke 11 , one of Jesus’ disciples asked him ...