Sharpening The Saw

Hi Friends! I know, I know it’s been a long while, three months to be exact. Who would have thought that I would have stayed away so long from you? However, life happens. A bit of housekeeping before we jump into today’s topic; I had promised that I would do two things soon and I am happy to report that I did. I wrote out my life’s mission and vision statements and I apologized to the cousin I was malicing (let’s call it what it really was). See, I’m a woman of my word and I feel so much better for it, yay me 😊 Now, what I want to explore with you today is the importance of leading a synergistic life or as the title states Sharpening the Saw . This article was inspired by Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that I read earlier this year. By the way, that is one of my recommended reads. My interpretation of Sharpening the Saw is that we should constantly be working on four core aspects of our being; body, mind, heart and soul. I use the term synergy ...