Getting Through Hard Times

Isn’t it great that we made it through another week? No really, isn’t it? We could have ceased to exist but no, we are here, still living to hopefully fulfil God’s purpose in our lives. And because you have received that gift, congratulations Chosen ! Of course, life isn’t always smooth, or as I mentioned the last time; chocolate and rainbows, but nonetheless life is a gift. We all go through hard times, whether it may be financial, spiritual, family-related, career-related, health-related, relationship-related, friendship-related, or even something I haven’t thought of, we all have our challenges in life. It may seem like some people don’t experience issues but they do. Have you ever asked them? Whether they choose to share or not, most times their problems are valid. Also, bear in mind that each of us are built differently so what you may be able to handle easily another person may not and vice versa. So, just as how we wouldn’t like for someone else to invalidate our issues, w...