How I Get All I Need To Do Done And Not Drive Myself Crazy

Hello Chosen! For the past few weeks I realize that I have been feeling a bit stressed with the totality of all that goes on in my life. At present, the main themes in my life are my Christianity and church, my job, personal development activities and a few volunteer activities. Important, but not too time consuming are family based activities and social activities. Even though I haven’t listed the specific tasks, I’m not sure if that seems a lot to you or just a little, but for me it’s enough to keep me on my toes. So it does feel a bit overwhelming at times. And although I’m writing this to share with you, it’s very much for me also to air out my thoughts and remind myself of the strategy I know that works for me and perhaps can work for you too. (Courtesy of: Before we get into the approach, let me just say we firstly need to know who we are and whose we are. Jesus was fully man here on earth so he went through the same things we go through, but ...