Healthy Relationships

Hello Hello my Chosen friends! It’s been a while. The truth is I’ve been busy with all sorts of things but I have to remember my number one priority, which is kingdom work, and hence I am back with you. One of those things that can keep us busy sometimes is our relationships. The type of relationship may vary, but one thing they all have in common is that they take up our time. Relationships are important and since they do take up a significant portion of our lives it’s essential that they are healthy. For now, we’ll discuss relationships in general and perhaps later we can talk about some specific types. In the body of Christ, we are all members of one family; just as a natural body with it’s different parts. Your limbs, your head, your torso, your organs are different parts that may make up your body and are similar to all of us that comprise the body of Christ. Therefore, the things we do affect other members of the body. If one member eats right and exercises that will have...