Is Church Attendance Really Necessary?

Hola Chosen! Good to be back with you…finally…right?! Lol I wouldn’t let you end the year without hearing from me. So let’s get right into our discussion… Of course, this is not a new topic. Persons have long been debating it and we have somewhat touched on this topic before and because of its importance, I think we should revisit. Now there is a ton of information out there about why we should go to church and there are arguments for the other side too; so I won’t write you ‘12 Reasons to…’ but instead, I’ll direct you to some of what I have found and share a bit of my experience. Photo by: Luis Quintero Friends, you’re probably expecting me to share with you points to back up my opinion and I will, but I also like to explore things from others’ point of view as well. In doing so, I found an interesting article titled Why Attending Church No Longer Makes Sense . Firstly, the author is a pastor and he states that he can only find two compe...