When That Co-Worker Relationship Isn’t So Great

Would you look what happened here? We’ve made it to June; bless the Lord! Welcome Chosen friends! I was told I wasn’t quite successful in making the last article not as long. * tears *. So let’s jump right into this one. Throughout our discussion I will make reference to a particular situation I had that’s applicable. All relationships don’t go as smoothly as we had them planned in our minds at inception; assuming that we don’t plan on having any hostile relationships. Speaking specifically about work relations, sometimes tension runs as high as JPS power cables. This is certainly unhealthy; after all, most of us spend most of our lives at work. Great, if majority of our work relationships aren’t like this but what do we do when we find ourselves caught up between the poles of these JPS cables with a co-worker? (Courtesy of: inc.com) I’ll share with you 8 things which I did and now recommend in such a situation: 1. P...